Creating LED Cloud Lights that Sync with Music: My Capstone Project

Thank you to those who attended the Capstone Showcase on May 5th! In case you missed it here is a link to some pictures and links to the websites of everyone's projects! Link to Capstone Presentation Showcase 

Meet The Cool People Behind The Project :)

Brandon Boyd 

Kadejha Jones 

Project Summary


 Creating Music-Responsive LED Cloud Lights with Arduino and C++

 In this project, we created LED cloud lights that change colors in response to music. Imagine a cloud-shaped light fixture with multiple LEDs inside, which can change colors and patterns in sync with the music being played. To make this project work, we used an ELEGOO UNO R3 board, which is similar to a small computer called an Arduino UNO, and programmed it using a language called C++. C++ is a common programming language used for creating software, games, and electronic projects like ours. We connected the ELEGOO UNO R3 board to the cloud lights and a DAOKI High Sensitivity Sound Microphone Sensor, which allowed the lights to change colors and patterns based on the sound levels of the music. Essentially, the board "listened" to the music and used the information it gathered to control the LEDs inside the cloud lights. Overall, this project was an exciting and challenging experience that required some technical knowledge and programming skills. But the end result was a unique and impressive display of creativity and innovation, using technology to create an interactive and visually striking experience that responds to music in real time.


Our project encapsulates a growing understanding of how coding, circuits, and a bit of engineering can create a masterful exhibition that uses LED lights. Let’s be honest LED lights are absolutely captivating, and learning how to code LED Lights based on music will not only showcase creativity and the logic behind it. By captivating our audience we can showcase that coding isn't known as the stereotypical “boring” subject but is actually fun while being logic based. Currently, we are looking into the decision of using an Arduino vs a raspberry pi to create multiple LED clouds that showcase an LED light show based on the music it receives. 


Circuits • Debugging • Programming


Electronics  • Computer Science Technology

 Learning Objectives

- Build a basic LED circuit.

- Connect and program an Arduino to control the circuit.

- Expand the circuit to add more LEDs.

- Build neat, organized circuits.

- Troubleshoot when things don't work as expected.

Step 1: Gathering Supplies 

First, we need to gather all of our supplies! So make sure you have all of your supplies before you get started with the project. 

The link to these items can be found at the bottom of the page

Supplies Needed 

Step 2: Creating the Paper Lanterns

Let's get started!!

Supplies needed for this step:


First, we need to create all of our paper lanterns. Follow the instructions given on your packages to create them. This will make the process of placing them all together so much faster!

Once all of the lanterns are made you can move on to the next step!

Step 3: Placing the Paper Lanterns Together 

Items Needed for This Step 


Step 4: Downloading :)

After creating the framework of our clouds it's time to start creating the mechanisms that go inside our clouds to make them light up!

Items Needed for This Step 


Step 5: Hardware

Supplies needed for this step:


Click the Video Above 

To see what the project should look like after you download and run the example code.

Step 6: Check If the LEDs Work

Supplies needed for this step:


Step 7: Next Up Microphone 

Items Needed for This Step 


Step 8: Coding 

At this point if you want to use our sample code to complete your journey or you can look on Google for how to code them yourselves. 

Supplies needed for this step:


Step 9: Putting It All Together  

Lastly, once our LED light strips have been coded and put into our cloud lantern structures, it's time to place them in our classic fiber fill to make it look like a real cloud structure. 

Supplies needed for this step:


Step 10: Congratulations :)  

Please enjoy your beautiful cloud decorations!